The thigh muscles, the largest muscles in the body, can bulk up from excess layers of fat or if you are lifting really heavy weights. If you want to lose the bulk and slim down your thighs for a shapely set of legs that fit better in your clothing, don't despair. Adopting a regular cardiovascular routine and conditioning exercises and eating a healthy diet can help you achieve your slimmest set of legs yet.

Step 1
Incorporate pilates exercises into your weekly exercise regimen. Pilates is a conditioning program that aims to stretch and strengthen muscles as well as correct muscular imbalances. Pilates exercises for the quadriceps can lengthen the muscles through stretching the front of the thigh. Pilates also can slim down thighs that are constantly contracting by training the hamstrings and gluteal muscles to fire in correct sequence, which decreases the workload of the quads during exercises and everyday activities. New York Pilates suggests doing pelvic tilts and lunges to counteract a posterior pelvic tilt that causes the hip flexor muscles to tighten excessively.

Step 2
Add more cardio to your exercise regimen. Cardiovascular exercise increases the heart rate, which increases the metabolic rate to burn more calories. It doesn't matter how toned your quadricep muscles are if they have a layer of fat over them. Burn off extra fat with moderate intensity exercise five times a week, aiming for 45-minute sessions. Alternatively, do shorter sessions of approximately 30 minutes each if you train at a higher intensity -- one at which you cannot carry on a conversation, your heart is pumping and you have a good sweat going on.

Step 3

Decrease your caloric intake to lose weight and slim down thighs. Weight loss occurs when the amount of calories taken in is less than that which is burned off. In order to safely lose a pound per week, you will need to cut caloric intake by 3,500 calories over the course of a week, or approximately 500 calories per day. Aim to cut 250 to 300 calories per day by decreasing portion sizes and selecting nutrient-rich veggies over high-sugar treats. Burn off the additional calories with daily exercise, which includes your workouts as well as everyday activities such as walking to work and taking stairs instead of elevators.

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